Birmingham City Council (BCC) have released a list of community assets that they are looking to dispose of (see below). The following is wording from BCC about their intentions and the process that they are planning on undertaking:
To gain a coherent understanding of opportunities, for example community asset transfers (CATs), in respect of potentially surplus community facing assets, Birmingham CC (BCC) would like community partners to express their interest (EoI) on a phased basis in those community assets that have been identified as potentially available for disposal.
A CAT is often the mechanism by which the management of such assets passes from BCC to the community partner but this is not the only way and BCC is open to expressions of interest in other types of arrangement. Any interested party will be required initially to fill in a standardised EoI form and BCC will follow a consistent process when evaluating EoIs.
A standardised form will be available on request from Nick Rhodes via or
Decisions in respect of all EoIs will be made as soon as practicable. We will use an intelligence led approach, including asset mapping. Ideally all decisions will be made by the end of 2024 but timescales may vary depending on numbers. NB. No decisions can be made in respect of Libraries or Youth Centres until the conclusion of their respective statutory consultation processes. We expect the List to develop and be expanded as additional assets become available and statutory consultations progress. As such the List will continue to refreshed.
If you are interested in submitting an Expression of Interest for any of the available assets, please contact the council directly via the email addresses provided above.
Please do get in touch with Save Birmingham if you are interested in the below assets, or are concerned about the loss that any of these assets will have on your local community.
We are happy to talk to groups with concerns, to answer any questions where possible and to connect neighbouring organisations to potentially work together to take action on saving their local asset. Please do reach out to us if you need any help or guidance - we're here to help!
You can get in touch via the contact form on our website, or directly via