Community Asset Transfer - all you need to know!

Submitted by kathy on

Birmingham City Council are now in the process of auditing their assets, with the potential for some to be transferred into community ownership. But what does Community Asset Transfer actually mean?

Luckily for us, the great team at the Neighbourhood Development and Support Unit (NDSU) at BCC already have a website dedicated to it!

Community Asset Transfer in Birmingham |

If you want to find out more about the process, read about successful transfers that have already happened in Brum, or find out more about 'Valuing Worth', then all the answers are here. There's also a recording of the great information session that our friends at BCM ran, telling you all about Community Asset Transfer and Assets of Community Value.

If you are interested in the opportunity to take on an asset, please get in touch with us here at Save Birmingham. Our campaign is supported by experts in the field, and we can help you in exploring your options. Drop us a line at