
Birmingham Youth Centres

Birmingham City Council (BCC) has announced that it is saving four of its Youth Centres that were previously thought to be at risk: The Factory, Th

Free online session - Valuing Worth

Join us for a free webinar to learn more about the process of 'Valuing Worth' in the context of Community Asset Transfer (CAT) in Birmingha

First report from BCC Commisioners released

The Commissioners who were appointed when Birmingham City Council declared a Section 114 notice in 2023 have released their first assessment of the

Youth Centres - ACT NOW!

Birmingham City Council are starting the process of reviewing their Youth Centres and have provided the below information to us at the Save Birming

Save Birmingham response to 2nd Stage Libraries Consultation

Earlier this month, Birmingham City Council released details of its preferred option for managing the library service across the city.&nb

Audit Reform Lab report on BCC's financial position

Save Birmingham campaign calls for a pause to drastic council cuts so communities have the time they need to take on community assets.

Community Asset Transfer - all you need to know!

Birmingham City Council are now in the process of auditing their assets, with the potential for some to be transferred into community ownership.

FOLOB - Open Letter to BCC

Our colleagues at FOLOB (Friends of the Libraries of Birmingham) have written an open letter to Birmingham City Council in anticipation of the seco

Save Birmingham's response to Birmingham City Council’s libraries consultation

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your consultation on the future of library services in Birmingham.